4 Simple Ways to Discipline without Punishment

4 Simple Ways to Discipline without PunishmentMost parents will agree that raising a child is one of the most important tasks that we have to fulfill in life. We will open some secrets that will help to properly educate a child and get pleasure from it.

There is an opinion that the punishment of a child should teach him correct behavior. However, most parents who apply punishment sooner or later face the fact that punishment does not work. We choose an alternative to punishments.

Communication and praise

Most of the negative actions children commit in order to attract the attention of adults. No attention – think that you are not.
Your task is to awaken the best, and it should be done, relying on the positive aspects of the child, prompting his desire to adhere to the correct line of behavior. All children want to please adults.
It is enough not to forget to talk about love, to praise and pay attention – and the child will not have to be naughty to you for spite.

Beliefs and rules

The child should know clearly what is good and what is bad. It is necessary to pay a lot of attention to showing, telling, discussing what is considered correct in society.
Then the child will be easier to navigate in the relationship with the surrounding people. When you ask the child to do something, clearly and kindly express your request, in no way by an orderly or irritable tone.

Physical measures without violence

There are situations when immediate intervention is required without prolonged persuasions and explanations.
For example, if the baby has a hysterical on the street, you can pick him up and take him home.
If the kid beats you and does not react to your observation – it is necessary to intercept his hand.
If the child just dabbles – you can offer him to calm down, sitting a little on the stool or counting to five or ten.


It is very good when a child has the opportunity to face the consequences of his actions, of course, without a threat to health.
Your duty is to warn the child about the possible consequences. The child will know that every act has something to do with itself.
If the child still decided to act in his own way and faced negative consequences, do not blame it – it was his choice, and be assured, he will make the appropriate conclusions without you.

All children are different, and each child in different situations will approach his method of influence. But it will be effective only if there are close, trusting and friendly relations between parents and children. Then nothing special to invent and do not have to!

Image credit: gpalmisanoadm

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