Is the wasp sting dangerous? Usually, a single wasp’s bite does not have very serious consequences. In exceptional cases, however, special precautions should be taken.
Stinging through the wasp – in the neck, face and inside the mouth
These are places where swelling after a bite can become particularly dangerous, leading in extreme cases to strangulation – especially when swallowing an insect. If you have a sting, give ice cubes to suck and provide medical help as soon as possible.
Stinging a wasp of a child or an elderly person
In this case, special care must be taken – especially when the wasp stings the baby a second time. At the first bite, an allergic reaction is extremely rare, but at the next such an event may react much more rapidly. The situation is similar in older people and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
The body’s reactions should be carefully observed. In the case of a child’s wasp, you can use a sour compress and give him a double dose of an antihistamine for children and lightly squeeze the spot above the sting (if it is on the limb).
Indention of wasp in pregnant women
Usually the biting of the pregnancy axis does not threaten and is not a cause for concern. If the first signs of an allergic reaction to poison venom appear, you should get medical help as soon as possible.
If the future mother is not allergic to wasp venom, as in the case of a typical sting – you need to relieve pain and swelling, using a sour compress (vinegar or lemon juice). An ointment with hydrocortisone can be applied at the stench site. Its use is safe during pregnancy, because the main component, acting anti-itching and anti-shock, does not penetrate the placenta. It should also be remembered that the wasp sting is not a contraindication for breastfeeding.
Skin-erythema – erythema and swelling after the wasp’s bite
It is not always possible to observe what insects attacked. All the more so if the situation concerns younger children. It remains then to observe the symptoms after a bite, and in the case of an insect being bitten by a wasp, they are quite characteristic.
What does the wasp sting look like? The bite site quickly swells and turns red. Sudden and severe pain is felt. How long the sting of the wasp and the swelling of the axes lasts is an individual matter. After resolving severe pain, pruritus may appear. Erythema after the wasp’s bite is a local reaction and disappears (in the absence of an allergic reaction) after a fairly short time, usually after a few hours. Swelling after a wasp sting always appears, but may have a different degree of severity.
If the erythema does not disappear, the swelling does not go away after being bitten by a wasp, and is additionally accompanied by headaches, fever, enlarged lymph nodes and numbness, which may indicate a complication – a bacterial infection.
Wasp stings – allergy – symptoms and first aid
Rapid symptoms after a sting can occur in any situation – even if in the past the venom did not cause any disturbing reaction in a given person. Therefore, each sting case should be treated individually.
Wasp sting and a strong allergic reaction can lead to anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening situation. It requires immediate treatment, because the symptoms appear in a few to several minutes after the sting, and the bitten person’s condition deteriorates very quickly. Lack of proper descent may even lead to death.
The symptoms of anaphylactic shock are as follows:
- dizziness, nausea, vomiting,
- swelling of the lips, tongue and throat,
- strong weakness,
- shallow breathing, difficulty breathing,
- rapid drop in blood pressure,
- bow,
- loss of consciousness.
Anaphylactic shock – first aid
There are no home methods that could help in the case of anaphylactic shock. The situation in which most of the above symptoms are observed requires immediate medical attention. However, it is necessary to adequately protect the injured person:
- giving adrenaline – if the person stung by the was aware of his allergy and had a pre-filled syringe with adrenaline, it should be given as soon as possible to the side of the thigh (you can do it by clothing, because time counts);
- call an ambulance – only after giving adrenaline (if it was possible), help is called;
- placement in lateral position if there is vomiting and does not give anything by mouth;
- resuscitation – if you have stopped breathing and heart rate, you need to resuscitate until the ambulance arrives.
What on the wasp bite – medicines and treatment
Medicines for wasp stings are prescription life-saving drugs in case of anaphylactic shock and medications to alleviate unpleasant symptoms of wasp stings:
- epinephrine – a pre-filled syringe for self-use in the event of symptoms of a severe allergic reaction;
- medicines with epinephrine – available on prescription, in the form of an auto-injector, while medicines intended for children contain a dose of adrenaline (epinephrine) reduced by half;
- hydrocortisone – a wasp sting can be alleviated by using an ointment or ointment available over the counter to lubricate sites after a wasp bite – antiallergic and anti-shock effect;
- aluminum acetate acetate preparations – after the sting of the wasp the packs act as anti-oedematous and anti-pruritic;
- agents with dimethionene, soothing, antipruritic and anti-edema.
-What to sting the home methods
Bite of the wasp causes strong, local, stinging pain and swelling. Home methods for stinging wasps helping in this situation focus on eliminating these symptoms.
- Wraps of vinegar or lemon juice – the wasp’s venom has a strongly alkaline reaction. An acidic compress made in a place where there is a trace of a wasp sting, neutralizes part of the venom and brings immediate relief.
- Ice cubes – if the wasp stings inside the mouth, sucking ice cubes allows you to minimize the edema and has a slight anesthetic effect. The ice for swelling is worth applying regardless of the place of the bite.
- Cool or cold compresses – in all available places after a wasp sting you can apply a cold water pack (it should be changed frequently) or simply remove any frozen product from the refrigerator and wrapped in any fabric, gently apply in the sting place.
- Pressure – if the osse washes are getting worse, you can apply light pressure above the sting point before going to the doctor.
- Alcohol – when used by a wasp only applies as a wound disinfectant.
What do you not put in place after the wasp sting? It is quite common to make wraps from half-raw, raw onion. Unfortunately, such a procedure brings relief only in the case of a sting by a bee whose venom has acidic reaction. In the case of wasps or hornets, the onion does not check for bites.
Picture Credit: congerdesign