Everyone has his own set of habits. Some parents instilled in it, others we learned ourselves. We are proud of some, we would like to get rid of others. It is more difficult to communicate with the old habit than to fix a new one, but perseverance and perseverance can work miracles.
1. Say “yes” when you want to say “no”
The list of tasks is constantly updated, and the feeling of anxiety is growing. Timing is on, you do not have time to take on another project or to sit with your friend’s little son. But for an incomprehensible reason, you agree. Helping others is good, but you should not do this to the detriment of yourself. In order not to overload yourself with responsibilities, highlight priority areas. Remind yourself that it’s just not possible to make it all happen.
2. To rely on someone else’s opinion
Of course, it is important for us to have a positive evaluation on the part of close people, but do not give up what is important to you. Only you are responsible for your life.
3. Check the phone while communicating
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It’s time to admit: we are dependent on technology. While we are sitting in a cafe with friends, the phone receives numerous notifications and messages. We are used to constantly being on the web. Try to change it. Stop yourself, do not reach for the phone. When meeting with others, completely surrender to communication. You can read the messages and view the tape when you are alone.
4. Get stuck in the past
We often recall what went wrong, we reflect that we should have acted differently. The sense of guilt pulls to the bottom. But the only way to change the past is to change one’s attitude towards it. The events that led to the present moment did not just happen. They have formed you as a person, thanks to them you are where you should be.
5. Impulsively buy things
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Perhaps spending control has always been difficult for you, but it’s time to start spending money consciously. Sometimes you can pamper yourself, there is nothing wrong with that. But in most cases it is better to plan your purchases in advance, plan your incomes and expenses. Learn to distinguish real needs from momentary whims.
6. Skip meals
Some get up at six in the morning and meditate, others jump and hurry out of the house. Most people have a rather tense life. Often in turmoil, we sacrifice health. You skip lunch to finish the project in time. Instead of a glass of water, we drink two cups of coffee to compensate for lack of sleep. It seems to us that this way we show a responsible attitude towards work. But the real responsibility is to take care of one’s health. Make proper nutrition one of the priorities. Plan meals, prepare food in advance. Do not be tempted to sacrifice dinner to save time.
7. Compare yourself with others in social networks
Social networks are a vanity fair: a sweet life, beautiful filters, catchy signatures. We scroll the news line, and the self-confidence grows stronger. One acquaintance bought a new car, the other went on a vacation to the Caribbean. Follow the lives of friends and support them perfectly, but it’s difficult to avoid comparisons. Another’s life often looks much more fascinating. If you are about 30, you already understand that everyone has his own way. Do not evaluate your achievements, comparing them with the merits of others. Each has its own priorities.
8. Blame yourself for your unfulfilled expectations
The only person who prevents you from moving forward, you yourself. Maybe you are 27 and you live with your parents, or you are 29 and you do not have a partner. We thought about life in a different way, and this is normal. Expectations rarely coincide with reality.
Imagine what you want in life, fine. But, trying to live on a clear plan, you will be disappointed. Life is unpredictable. We do not always manage to follow the schedule exactly. The main thing is how you adapt to the circumstances and use them to eventually come where you wanted.
9. Maintain unhealthy relationships
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Much does not last forever. So, our relations with most people are not eternal. Surely you have a friend who makes you feel uncomfortable and tense. If you maintain a relationship with him only out of a sense of duty, it only hurts you. Personal time should be spent with someone with whom it is comfortable.
10. Forget about your relatives
Image credit: sylviebliss
Alas, many of us understand too late that we needed to know our family members better. Regardless of the degree of affinity between you, relatives play an important role in the formation of your personality. It was they who largely influenced what you became.
Lack of time is not an excuse. It’s enough for what we give priority to. So call your mother, answer the message from your brother and invite your father for dinner. These actions will help keep in touch with family.