Some cyclists (and other athletes-fans) take so much ibuprofen before and after ‒ and even during ‒ the hard training that it is sometimes jokingly referred to as “vitamin I”. The meaning of his appointment is to prevent inflammation and pain as a result of training. But before you take another Advil, find out what new research shows that Ibuprofen can hurt your training, recovery and even health in the future. In one study, published in the journal Medicine and Science in sports and exercise, researchers found that runners who took 600 milligrams of Ibuprofen before the race, usually faced with increased tissue damage as a result of oxidative stress compared to those who took nothing. In another study involving cyclists it was found that Ibuprofen can damage internal organs and cause leaks in the small intestine. Finally the results of experiments involving animals have shown that “vitamin And” can slow the recovery process after physical activity.
Conclusion: take Ibuprofen only when the injury has already been obtained. If you want to prevent muscle soreness after a particularly hard training, ask for help to anti-inflammatory products, such as tea or cherry juice.
Black and green tea has natural antiokislitelnoe qualities, which reduce muscle damage and speed recovery. In one study, cyclists who took the extract of black tea, suffer less from pain after intense interval training. In another study of University of Vermont students were asked to drink half a glass of cherry juice before heavy exercise, resulting in the next day, they experienced a decrease in muscle strength by 4% compared to 22% of students who received a placebo.
Image credit: Ragesoss – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link (wikipedia)