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Parting happens not only in romantic relationships, but also between friends. The reasons can be different. But if the friendship is no longer in joy and does not work to preserve it, it is better to stop the relationship, or to remain good friends. How can we determine that friendship has worsened? And what signs can indicate an unreliable and superficial friendly relationship, which should be abandoned?
1. Frequent secrets from a friend
The best news (new love, promotion, successes of the child, etc.), many people prefer to share with their friends. But if recently there is a desire to keep most of the significant events secret from a friend, then most likely the friendship has deteriorated noticeably. The reason for this is often jealousy or jealousy from a friend who demonstrates them more and more. Such feelings can be determined by words, behavior, facial expressions and emotions of a person. Good friends know how to sincerely rejoice at each other’s successes. If frank communication with a friend becomes a burden, then such a relationship is unlikely to succeed.
2. Psychological pressure
Constant condemnation and criticism of the actions of a friend is a sure sign of an urgent problem in the relationship. Friendship is called upon to unite, support and preserve mutual respect. If a person more often began to hear negative statements about himself from a friend, it is important to find out the relationship and learn the true reasons for this behavior of the friend. Regular condemnation and the imposition of one’s own opinion worsen friendship.
Image credit: Babienochka
3. Egoism in communication
Any relationship is built on communication, and friendship including. If only one person solves in the conversation of friends, then it is hardly possible to talk about a real friendly conversation. At the heart of a normal dialogue is the communication of two people, and not the monologue of one of the interlocutors. A distinctive feature of a good friend is the ability to listen. Egocentrists, often talking only about themselves, are bad comrades who do not want to waste time.
4. Bad influence
When a person notices that his friend is increasingly pushing him to commit bad deeds, it is worth thinking about whether his friendship is so good and sincere? For example, one friend may provoke another to start smoking, drinking alcohol, changing his wife, etc. A true friend will not expose his companion to situations that threaten health, well-being or life. The provocateur often pursues selfish goals, wishing to substitute the named friend, and most to remain innocent. From such dangerous people you need to stay away, and it’s better to completely stop communicating with them.
Image credit: Kyle Loftus
5. Unreliable friendship
You can always rely on a good friend in any business. If a friend starts to let his friend often (he is late for a meeting, forgets about general plans, duty, promises, etc.), then it is difficult to build a normal and long-term relationship with him. A person who truly respects and values his friend, tries to be preventive, consistent, compulsory and always restrains his promises given to a friend. If such a condition for friendship is often violated, then you should not continue it.
6. Unilateral interests
To maintain any relationship, a person sometimes has to partially sacrifice one’s own interests for the benefit of his partner or friend. This is a normal and justified approach. Friendship should be bilateral and mutual. It is impossible to take into account the interests of only one party. Of course, it is also necessary to make concessions, but if you do them more and more often without a reaction from them on the part of a friend, then this friendship can not be called real. A friend should not constantly impose on his comrade only his own desires, thinking only of himself. Such attitudes negatively affect self-esteem and personal development.
Image credit: Greyerbaby
7. Excessive obsession
When a friend constantly requires attention, unceremoniously imposing his society, it is hardly possible to maintain strong friendship with him. This behavior of a person is for various reasons. First, this may be the self-doubt that provokes the development of jealousy and fear, when it always seems that a friend will start to be friends with someone else. Secondly, excessive egoism and a sense of superiority come to the forefront. In this case, a person begins to think that his friend should give him attention at first request. In any case, friendship with a too intrusive person quickly becomes a burden.
8. Negative attitude to everything
It is very difficult to be friends with grumblers and pessimists, who constantly do not like something or do not like it. They often whine, grumble, complain and get angry. After communicating with them, there is an unpleasant, heavy sediment, negative emotions and a bad mood. It’s unlikely that such people are good as friends. After all, friendship should bring joy and pleasure from communication. With its help, a person can get rid of stress, be charged with positive energy and optimism. Why torture yourself and spoil your mood by talking with a pessimist and whiner? Better stay away from him.
9. Emotional discomfort
Image credit: Cortney White
When a person begins to notice obvious psychological discomfort in the presence of his friend, it is important to find out the true cause of such a phenomenon. Usually friends with pleasure communicate with each other and look forward to meeting. If it is unpleasant to be alone with a friend, then most likely the relationship with him has undergone strong changes. Sometimes, with a timely explanation of the cause of the severance of relations can be avoided, since real friends will always try to understand each other and find a compromise. If this can not be done, then the friendship that brings discomfort and unpleasant emotions is better to be completed.
10. Constant lie
This is a dangerous enemy of any relationship. It’s one thing when a friend does not hold back promises, is late or forgets about duty, and quite another when he begins to openly tell lies to his comrade. Even worse, if such a lie is fraught with unpleasant consequences for a person. If a friend is more and more often lying, and besides doing it intentionally, then maintaining a relationship with him does not make sense.